Suffixes to Make Verbs from Nouns and Verbs from Verbs in Hatay Ovakent Uzbek Dialect
Ovakent Uzbek dialect, dialect research, derivational suffixesAbstract
Every standard language is based on the dialect of a region with special speech styles. Dialects reflect the oral culture and language of the society. Anatolian dialects are in danger of extinction due to the influence of the technological age, the spread of mass media and the increase in the level of education. In this study, after giving information about the Uzbeks settled in Ovakent, some studies on production annexes were mentioned. Later, construction suffixes were identified based on the compilation texts and these suffixes were shown in a table in the conclusion section.
Although Turkologists have different classifications regarding derivational suffixes in Turkish, these suffixes come to noun and verb roots and stems and derive new meaningful words from them. The aspects of the derivational suffixes used in Ovakent Uzbek dialect that have the same usage as Turkey Turkish and standard Uzbek Turkish, and their different aspects were also determined in the research. The negative suffix -bi used in Kipchak Turkish is also seen in Ovakent Uzbek dialect. At the same time, it was determined that the elements used in the derivational suffixes were more similar to the suffixes used in Turkey Turkish than to the suffixes used in Standard Uzbek Turkish.
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