A Discourse Analysis Towards the Theme of Science and Tecnology in Turkish Course: Lagari Hasan Çelebi ve Dünyanın İlk Roket Denemesi





Discourse analysis, theme, Turkish lesson


Textbooks appear as basic materials in Turkish lessons. In this regard, it is important that the texts in Turkish textbooks are compatible with the relevant theme and are effective in terms of quality. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the discourse of the text titled "Lagari Hasan Çelebi and the World's First Rocket Test" in the Science and Technology theme of the 5th Grade Turkish Textbook (2023). The discourse analysis method used in this research is considered within the scope of qualitative research. Discourse analysis generally provides the opportunity to check the contextual features and suitability of the text being examined. In this research, the suitability of the text in a textbook for the purpose was examined. It was determined that the text, which was discussed with its aspects such as people/identities, semantic features, inter-discursive situation and effects, was suitable for the purpose of use and was compatible with the theme it was associated with. It is expected that the study will encourage discourse analysis in Turkish textbooks. This research examined a text for Turkish course within the framework of discourse analysis. In this direction, relevant materials of courses such as social studies and Turkish language and literature, which have the opportunity to act text-oriented, can also be examined with the discourse analysis approach.


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How to Cite

KARAOĞULLARI, N. (2024). A Discourse Analysis Towards the Theme of Science and Tecnology in Turkish Course: Lagari Hasan Çelebi ve Dünyanın İlk Roket Denemesi . Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12623438