Contributions from Katranlık Village to Proverbs and Idioms in Regional Dialects




Poverb, İdiom, Katranlık Vilage, Dictionary


Proverbs and idioms are effective forms of expression that exist in every language and are transmitted from generation to generation by becoming stereotyped over time. Different issues such as geography, culture and social life play a role in the formation of proverbs and idioms. While some of the proverbs and idioms belonging to a certain region have settled into the standard language and become common use, some of them are used in the region where they are located. Reasons such as the spread of mass media and the increase in the reading rate have made a common culture come to the fore. As a result of this situation, elements that can be called the lower layer in language and culture have begun to disappear. Since it is not possible to prevent this change, it is important to try to keep the proverbs and idioms, which are subcultural elements, alive and at least to record them. Hatay province, Hassa district, Katranlık village has a structure that protects its socio-cultural values. Many practices, especially birth, death and weddings, are kept alive in the village in their old ways. In this study, information was given about the formation of proverbs and idioms used in the region, based on the compilations made from Katranlık village, and their comparison was made with Proverbs and Idioms in Regional Dialects.


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How to Cite

Gul, M. (2023). Contributions from Katranlık Village to Proverbs and Idioms in Regional Dialects . Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 1(2), 116–123.