Idealist Types And Traces of Ideology in Refı̇k Ahmet Sevengı̇l's Stories




Refik Ahmet Sevengil, ideology, idealist type, story, literatüre


Refik Ahmet Sevengil, a journalist, writer and theatre historian of the Early Republican Era, draws attention with his numerous literary works. Sevengil's subjects and characters in his literary works are mostly ideological and political. He considers literature, like other branches of art, as an apparatus that should be used in the construction of ideological perception. Sevengil, in some of his stories in Köyün Yolu (The Way of the Village), the only story book he published, deals with the thought and ideological structure shaped in the perception of the era he lived in and used to convey the political order to the public. He reflects this way of thinking through the expressions and lives of his characters, who are treated in an idealist framework but equipped with ideological discourses and actions. Sevengil's political positions make the ideological and politically grounded reflection in his works clearer and more traceable. In this direction, the fact that the ideological and idealist characters in his stories are state officials, teachers and governors can also be seen as related to his personal perception. The starting point of Sevengil's storytelling is this perception. The study has tried to address this perception of Sevengil in terms of context.


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How to Cite

Uzun, B. (2024). Idealist Types And Traces of Ideology in Refı̇k Ahmet Sevengı̇l’s Stories. Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2(1), 35–44.