Meanings of the word "gut" in Kutadgu Bilig




Kutadgu Bilig, gut, metaphor


When people look at the words they use throughout their lives, it is seen that they do not use every word in the first meaning of the dictionary, but they attribute metaphorical and abstract meanings to them. They have managed to get rid of the monotony used with the first meanings of words and present them in a lively style. As a matter of fact, Turkish language is a language open to abstract concepts and figurative meanings due to its structure. We see this from the first examples of the Turkish language we have. Apart from figurative and abstract meanings, we encounter polysemous elements. We also encounter polysemy, abstract and figurative meanings in Karakhanid Turkish, which is the Middle Turkish period, and its work Kutadgu Bilig. As an example of this, the word gut in Kutadgu Bilig can be given. In Kutadgu Bilig, the word intestine has multiple meanings, abstract and metaphorical uses apart from its basic meaning. In Kutadgu Bilig, the word intestine is not used as a human organ, but it is used in the meanings of sparing, merciful, compassionate, devoted, close, loyalty, sincerity, loyal, heartfelt (lovingly), loyalty, beloved (address), willingly (from the heart), reverence, affection, love and ihlas and goodness. In this study, the meanings of the word intestine in Kutadgu Bilig are determined and examples are given.


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How to Cite

Çelik, T. (2024). Meanings of the word "gut" in Kutadgu Bilig. Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2(1), 45–68.