Classification of Street, Avenueand Cluster House Names of Hatay/Yayladağı District




Hatay/Yayladağı, toponomy, language analysis, onomastic


Human beings have given names to every abstract and concrete thing they see around them. In this naming, the characteristics of the geography and the culture, which is the whole of the material and spiritual values of the society, are influential. It is possible to consider place names as a mirror of a nation's settlement history. These names gain integrity with the people living on them with the change and metamorphosis they have undergone over time. Hatay, one of the important settlement centres in terms of human history, has hosted many different civilisations. Yayladağı is also one of the important places with its strategic location and rich language treasure.

In this study, street, alley, cluster house names belonging to Yayladağı centre and 28 neighbourhoods were determined. Place names, which are the projection of cultural richness passed down from generation to generation, were examined according to the purpose of giving. Here, it is aimed to reveal the Turkish tradition of giving place names in every aspect. In addition, the change of place names from past to present will also be recorded. In the study, brief information about the science of names and place names, which is one of the sub-branches of this branch of science, is given. In addition, the geographical features and history of Yayladağı district were mentioned. Then, based on the information obtained from official data, the purpose of giving place names was determined and shown in a table in the conclusion section.  As a result of the examination, it has been seen that the most preferred reasons for giving place names are personal names and geographical terms. The study aims to contribute to the field of toponomy.


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How to Cite

UÇAR, E. T. (2024). Classification of Street, Avenueand Cluster House Names of Hatay/Yayladağı District. Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2(1), 69–82.