Irony in Feyyaz Kayacan's Story titled The Adventures of Hiçoglu




Feyyaz Kayacan, The Adventure of Hiçoğlu, irony, irony in the story


Although the art of irony, which has its roots in Turkish Literature, is mostly in the form of verbal irony in Feyyaz Kayacan's stories, many subheadings of irony such as event, situation, tragic and verbal irony are also used. Unlike the artists of the 1950s generation, Kayacan considered irony to be the dominant element. The author made irony through word games, by distorting the structure of idioms and proverbs, and sometimes through misunderstandings, as in Socratic irony. For this reason, he used the element of humor to give literary identity to individuals who were marginalized by society, remained distant from social acceptance, and had problems with their mental and physical health. In other words, the author included unusual social problems in his works. He approached social problems from a different, unconventional perspective through Hiceglu. Irony detections were made in Feyyaz Kayacan's story "Hiçoğlu'nun Adventures" and the traumas experienced by the hero in the story were examined. He explained the traumas he experienced in a more effective and efficient way, with the help of the features of irony. Linguistic disorders are sometimes encountered in his works due to the influence of foreign languages. In his works, he enriched them with ironic expression, based on the possibilities of plain language and expression.


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How to Cite

Bozkurt, S. (2024). Irony in Feyyaz Kayacan’s Story titled The Adventures of Hiçoglu. Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2(1), 83–93.