On the Origin of the Reduplications in Şeyhoğlu Mustafa's Marzubān-nāme and Kul Mesud's Kalila and Dimne



Reduplications, etymology, Old Anatolian Turkish


Turkish is a language that is rich in both spoken and written language in terms of various word patterns. One of these word patterns is reduplication. Reduplications, which have been used since the earliest periods of Turkish, have interacted with different languages ​​over time and brought many new words to our language. It is known that some of the words that make up reduplications in Old Anatolian Turkish and today's Turkish have different origins. This situation can be explained by the fact that Turkish interacted with different languages ​​in its historical periods and the Old Anatolian Turkish Period. In this study, the reduplications in Şeyhoğlu Mustafa's Marzubân-nâme and Kul Mes'ud's Kelile ve Dimne Tercümesi were determined and then the language from which the words making up the reduplication were borrowed was investigated. The obtained data were classified under nine headings. As a result of the classification, it was determined that reduplications consisting of words of Turkish origin were the majority in both works. This study aims to examine the origins of the reduplications in the works of Şeyhoğlu Mustafa's Marzubân-nâme and Kul Mes'ud's Kelile ve Dimne Translation, which are similar works from the Old Anatolian Turkish Period.


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How to Cite

Karaoğlan, A. (2024). On the Origin of the Reduplications in Şeyhoğlu Mustafa’s Marzubān-nāme and Kul Mesud’s Kalila and Dimne. Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2(2), 161–190. Retrieved from https://tdeidergisi.com/index.php/pub/article/view/56